Zarya (Александра Зарянова, Заря) :: Tracer (Трейсер) :: Mei (Overwatch) (Мэй) :: Sombra (Overwatch) (Сомбра) :: D.Va (Дива) :: Widowmaker (Роковая вдова) :: Overwatch Comics :: Overwatch (Овервотч) :: Blizzard (Blizzard Entertainment, Близзард) :: Gadreel88 :: фэндомы

Overwatch Comics Overwatch Widowmaker Sombra (Overwatch) D.Va Tracer Mei (Overwatch) Zarya Gadreel88 ...Blizzard фэндомы 

You win this time Y OvcrwQtch scum! So what's it ^ gonna be, eh? Torture? I can take a lot of pain and I'm not afraid of you! I will never talk or share any ^ information! Wait... what's that in your hand? Don't you ^^^darc putmmMMF!^^^ Pain? Torture?! ^Heavens no. love! You must>^ be new

You win this time Y OvcrwQtch scum! So what's it ^ gonna be, eh? Torture? I can take a lot of pain and I'm not afraid of you! I will never talk or share any ^ information! Wait... what's that in your hand? Don't you ^^^darc putmmMMF!^^^ Pain? Torture?! ^Heavens no. love! You must>^ be new around here? We don’t' hurt anyone, we prefer the good ol‘ hostage trades for info... k unless you'll share... Now J y shush, the concert is £—about to start! Admit it f Widow, you always ^ get yourself caught on Upurpose cause you , |Ss(enjoy the show!, \ Concert?! What concert?? ^ Mmmpgh!! Mmm? (Show? What show? Oh no... Sacreblcu, k. not again!!!) ^ HMMFF!!^ (Madre de Dios! Ok, I surrender! I'll talk! Just ^aag them!)>( And we were like, ^ baby, baby, baby ooooh! Like baby, baby, baby nooo! Like baby. baby, baby noooo! Thought you'd always be ours! Baby, baby, baby.,, Havin' fun, y Talon dearies? This ^ r is for making me and Hana watch Roadhog's ballet last week! Coming up next, ► Angela Ziegler singin' A . some Rammstcin! 1 QrmMbm I -^1 f Hmmpph1! ( Ja ( Mmmpgh1! (Geneva W 'V Conventions!!) |r3 i u' qBk'
Overwatch Comics,Overwatch,Овервотч,Blizzard,Blizzard Entertainment, Близзард,фэндомы,Widowmaker,Роковая вдова,Sombra (Overwatch),Сомбра,D.Va,Дива,Tracer,Трейсер,Mei (Overwatch),Мэй,Zarya,Александра Зарянова, Заря,Gadreel88
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>Coming up next, Angela Ziegler singin' some Rammstein!

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