А ведь могли бы до конца дотянуть линию с тем, что она свято верила в план о переделки цикла жизнесмерти. Эх, а ведь он и правда сам по себе мудатский, даже в светлых ковенантах, вроде рая- Бастиона, где посмертная участь или быть воякой и ходить строем или мыть полы и ходить в обносках типа аскет...
I'm a Heal Queen. What's the difference between my majesty and you, dirty healsluts? I am not oblidged to heal you. I am not there to support you. I am not there to make you feel better. I am there because you, dirty slaves, will lead me to victory while kissing my heels if I let you do so. I will resurrect you out of pity, because you, worthless worms, suck at this game. I will heal you, because you losers don't stand a chance against enemies on your own. And if I don't like something, if you don't crawl on your knees and kiss the earth that I walk, I will ignore your filthy corpses and step over you while you cry in chat or on microphone begging me to res you. And what will I do? I will ignore you. Because you, slaves and sluts, didn't ask me nicely. And didn't say "Mommy, I will suck your majestic healing cock if you bring me back to battle".
Имя и фамилия: Тёзка Колосажателя О себе: Диван: http://arachnafonfenris.deviantart.com/ Телеграм:https://t.me/chthonicheathen Вконтакте id: id88160492 С нами с: 2015-03-13 Последний раз заходил: 2025-01-17 Дней подряд: 475
I'm a Heal Queen. What's the difference between my majesty and you, dirty healsluts? I am not oblidged to heal you. I am not there to support you. I am not there to make you feel better. I am there because you, dirty slaves, will lead me to victory while kissing my heels if I let you do so. I will resurrect you out of pity, because you, worthless worms, suck at this game. I will heal you, because you losers don't stand a chance against enemies on your own. And if I don't like something, if you don't crawl on your knees and kiss the earth that I walk, I will ignore your filthy corpses and step over you while you cry in chat or on microphone begging me to res you. And what will I do? I will ignore you. Because you, slaves and sluts, didn't ask me nicely. And didn't say "Mommy, I will suck your majestic healing cock if you bring me back to battle".