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»Blizzcon World of Warcraft Warcraft длиннопост Blizzard фэндомы
Длиннопост со слайдами с закрытой презентации по поводу грядущих обновлений WoW
Приходит как-то Крис Метцен на Близкон и спрашивает, вы что там с моей игрой творите? Мне прийти и разогнать вас ссаными тряпками?
Решил накатать пост с информацией о грядущих обновлениях. Всё взято из слайдов самих Близов.
Итак, 8.1 (выйдет 12 декабря): нападения (аналог Легионовских, но с орками/людишками)
Фронт Темных Берегов (блджад, еще один)
Несколько новых островов для экспедиций
Новый рейд: Битва за Адал Дазар'алор
Наследные шмотки: собери своего спеллбрейкера и Мурадина
Затем 8.1.5: союзные расы троллей Зандаларов (здарова прелаты!) с ездовыми трицератопсами
и Кул-Тирасцы с ездовыми лошадьми (кто ж сомневался, что будет лошадь) и отсутствующей на слайде формой совы
Подземелья WoD в режиме путешествий во времени (и два маунта с них)
Комнаты для порталов в Оргри и Шторме
Инструменты профессий
Бойцовская гильдия, детка! и очередной приплюснутый ездовой зверь (+ трансмог сет)
И в неопределенном будущем 8.2: новая игровая зона - Назжатар, город наг
Маунт краб (который ходит боком) и буквальный морской конек
Новый пет - детеныш наги (с вилкой)(наги это бывшие эльфы, т.е. это типа киднепинг и рабство... збс)
Рейд Вечный дворец Азшары
Бесогон... оой, т.е. Мехагон, город механогномов и подземелье эпохальной сложности в нем
Продолжение историй полюбившихся персонажей (Сильвана с Ксалататом немного смущает)
Новые наследные шмотки: корованы и гномы торжествуют
Арена Мехагона (ПВП)
Полеты, мать их. И пчела.
Еще пара островов для экспедиций
8.2.5. ВНЕЗАПНО, обновление моделек блоховозов и гретчиновanon Warcraft Dungeons & Dragons Blizzard фэндомы
Мировозрение рас Варкрафта
Из "Warcraft Heroes Handbook":
Humans tend toward no particular alignment. The best and the worst are found among them.
Most dwarves are lawful, believing firmly in the benefits of a well-ordered society. They tend toward good as well, with a strong sense of fair play and a belief that all deserve to share in the benefits of a just order.
Night elves live in close ties with the natural world, they have an unprecedented connection to nature
and protect it fiercely, pulling many night elves towards good. They love freedom and variety, making most lean toward the gentler aspects of chaos as well.
Gnomes are good-hearted, and even the tricksters amongst them are more playful than vicious.
Those of evil alignment are often the result of madness. An innovative idea that consumed them.
Draenei are mostly good. Those who strive towards law are sages, priests, paladins, vindicators, or
scholars. Those who tend toward chaos are warriors, rangers, or in other ways people more fond of pure fighting.
Worgen tend to become chaotic, while originating from humans, the infection of their blood with the wolves has made them more unpredictable.
Most void elves tend to be lawful, much like
their blood elven kin. Those who do become chaotic are
those who lose control of their void powers and become
consumed by them.
Orcs might not have an innate tendency toward evil, but many end up there. Evil or not, many orcs
lean toward a chaotic alignment.
Forsakens alignment varies, as their race origin, most tend to become more chaotic, and very few keep to good after decades of being an undead.
Most taurenare lawful, keeping to their tribal code. Those who are evil are shunned upon, most either
outlaws or corrupted in some form.
Trolls are a neutral race, their alignment varying drastically between them. Most trolls tend to be
lawful, their tribes often having particular customs and rules for them to abide by.
High elves lies in a very militant society, strict rules have been made for people to uphold, pushing most towards a lawful alignment.
Most goblins tend to be chaotic to a certain degree, even when lawful, they have a spark of chaoticness in them that they cannot get rid off.
Order and structure are key to nightborne. Their society believes that reputation and status are of the
utmost concern, and that mortality and principles of right and wrong are viewed too often in that light. Giving most nightborne a lawful alignment.
Независимые расы:
Pandaren are a peaceful race, and for most parts tend to their own, making many pandarens neutral or good aligned. Finding an evil aligned pandaren is unusual.
Люди | |
5 (14.7%) |
Дворфы | |
2 (5.9%) |
Ночные эльфы | |
3 (8.8%) |
Гномы | |
0 (0.0%) |
Дренеи | |
5 (14.7%) |
Воргены | |
0 (0.0%) |
Войд эльфы | |
0 (0.0%) |
Орки | |
2 (5.9%) |
Отрекшиеся | |
6 (17.6%) |
Таурены | |
3 (8.8%) |
Тролли | |
0 (0.0%) |
Кровавые эльфы | |
6 (17.6%) |
Гоблины | |
1 (2.9%) |
Найтборны | |
1 (2.9%) |
Пандарены | |
0 (0.0%) |
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