К сожалению, без этой полосы найти не смог.
К сожалению, большинство фоток пришлось вытаскивать с инстаграмма, а там качество не очень.
Концепт для нового персонажа игры от автора арта. Если вкратце, то враги омники сожгли ее родну хату в Монголии. Все погибли кроме ее ручного орла, который тоже был при смерти, но доктор Циглер спасла орла. Пораженная сим фактом героиня решила посвятить себя всецело борьбе надеясь когда-нибудь вернуть долг Мерси.

"Khutulun, was born native in Mongolia, one of the tribe that still kept their Eagle training tradition. Her village was wiped out by the remnant Omnics from the last Omnic Crisis. With parents and family slaughtered, she and her pet Eagle, Sarnai were the sole survivors. Sarnai were critically injured, and were just clinging on to it life. Dr. Angela Ziegler has learned Khutulun’s story, and decided to step in and give Sarnai a second chance. She used the cybernetic technology that was developed for Genji and gave it to Sarnai, which saved it life.
Khutulun were deeply moved by the what Dr. Ziegler had done for her, and decided to work hard and pay her back some day. She stayed and learned as an apprentice of Dr. Ziegler, travelled around the world."
Life without Alliance VS life with Alliance
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